JFCC Speaker Event with South Korea’s ambassador to ASEAN Lim Sungnam
Thu, 24 Oct 2019

Dears members and friends,
While South Korea already has well-established relations with Indonesia and other countries in Southeast Asia, Seoul has been trying to take this up a notch as part of plans to curb its reliance on traditional trading partners like China, Japan and the United States.
President Moon Jae-in chose Bogor two years ago to unveil his “New Southern Policy” aiming to better connect Korea to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and expand the economic influence of Asia’s fourth-largest economy in a region that is home to more than half a billion people.
In the case of Indonesia, major Korean companies including Lotte and POSCO have already invested in Indonesia and Hyundai Motor Company plans to set up its first car factory in Southeast Asia in the country producing electric vehicles.
Please join us to hear Ambassador Lim Sungnam give us a timely address on South Korea’s important relationships in the region ahead of a summit with ASEAN hosted by Korea in Busan next month
The JFCC Executive Committee