JFCC Statement

Fri, 22 Dec 2017

We noted with deep concern the arrest of two Reuters journalists – Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo – in Myanmar this week. The reporters had been covering the military crackdown on the Rohingya Muslim community in Rakhine State.

Myanmar’s Ministry of Information said in a statement that they had “illegally acquired information with the intention to share it with foreign media”, according to reports. They now face a possible jail-time of up to 14 years under the Official Secrets Act.

Local reporters everywhere, including in Indonesia, have an important function of providing information from the ground – that is as close to the truth as possible – to the global audience. The freedom and safety of these reporters who are simply doing their jobs have to be safeguarded.

We stand by our fellow journalists in solidarity, and call for the authorities to release Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo.

The JFCC Executive Committee