


Dear members and friends,

It has once again been a fascinating year as Indonesia prepares to elect a new leader and relocate its capital, and it is time to say goodbye to 2023 with the Jakarta Foreign Correspondents Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) and End of Year Gathering.

Our AGM will offer a chance to discuss what has worked and what needs improving over the coming year so we can better serve our members.

The AGM will be held from 6 pm on Thursday, December 7, followed immediately by the end-of-year dinner and drinks at Mo Bar at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Please sign up to avoid missing out due to limited space.

The evening will include:

• The AGM, president’s address and treasurer’s report
• A beautiful three-course meal
• A prize raffle on the door, with winners to be announced later in the night

Time: Annual General Meeting (AGM): 6 to 7 pm
End of Year Gathering: 7 pm until end
Location: Mo Bar, Mandarin Oriental Hotel
RSVP: Email or WhatsApp +62 812-1976-2119

JFCC members fee is IDR100k, non-members fee is IDR500K

We would like to thank our generous sponsors for helping us this year and for making this night possible, including Maybank, Pertamina International Shipping, Google, Danone, BCA, Kalbe, GoTo, Indofood, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, The Grove Suites and Archipelago International.

JFCC Executive Committee