Virtual JFCC End of Year Gathering & AGM, 9 December 2021

Thu, 9 Dec 2021

It’s once again been one hell of a ride this year, but we have battled through and it is nearly time for the Jakarta Foreign Correspondents Club to host our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and End of Year Gathering.

Our AGM will be a chance to discuss what has worked and what needs improving over the year and to discuss suggestions, so we can serve you better.

Immediately after the AGM, we have lined up a series of events including what promises to be an insightful talk from one of the cabinet’s rising stars as well as plenty of entertainment with multiple chances to win prizes and a live performance by a top-notch local singer & violinist.

The AGM will be held from 5 pm on Thursday, December 9 followed by the gathering. Though the events will be hosted virtually we do urge you to sign up quickly given limited capacity.
• AGM 5– 6 pm including president’s address and treasurer’s report
• Introducing the committee for 2021 with photo session and thanks to the outgoing members
From 6 pm onwards
• Talk by Sandiaga Uno, Minister Tourism and Creative Economy.
• Performences by Mia Ismi Hilda, Indonesian Singer and Violinist
• JFCC quiz questions for a range of door prizes

Time : Annual General Meeting : 5 – 6 pm
End of Year Gathering : 6 – 7 pm until end
RSVP: or WA +62 812-1976-2119

We would like to thank our generous sponsors for helping us this year and for making this night possible, including GoTo, MIND ID, Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI), Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Danone, Kalbe, OVO, IWIP, Xiaomi, Indofood, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Nestle and Telkomsel.

JFCC Executive Committee