JFCC Panel Discussion on the threat of terrorism in Indonesia
Wed, 24 Jul 2019

Dear members and friends,
Indonesia was rocked by suicide attacks on churches and police stations in Surabaya last year and there have been a series of plots uncovered since then, including attacks that authorities say were planned to coincide with the election period.
The deadly bombings in Surabaya led to the passage of tougher anti-terrorism laws but it remains to be seen how effective they will be and whether homegrown groups will refine their tactics to cause more mayhem.
Indonesia also faces the prospect of more returning foreign fighters coming back from the conflicts in Syria and Iraq and needs to ensure that a growth in support for more conservative interpretations of Islam does not risk being channeled into violence.
Please join us for what promises to be a fascinating discussion with our influential speakers on the threat posed by terrorism in the world’s biggest Muslim-majority country.
Speakers will include :
- Sidney Jones, Director of the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, (IPAC)
- Andhika Chrisnayudhanto, Deputy of International Cooperation, National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT)
- Noor Huda Ismail, Founder Institute for international Peace Building (IIPB) / Visiting fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University.
Day/Date: Tuesday, July 30 2019
Time: 10.00 AM -12.00 PM
Venue : To be advised
RSVP: event@jfcc.info or call 62 21 29858007
The JFCC Executive Committee